“Happy are those who live in your house, continually singing your praise!
Happy the pilgrims whom you strengthen, to make the ascent to you” (Psalm 84, 5-6)
Assumption priory
The Assomptionist community of Bethnal Green is international and diverse. Living community life can indeed be challenging and yet enriching for one who opens oneself to others in the spirit of respect and fraternity.
The Priory would like to provide a place where catholic young people have opportunities to share, to grow and enrich in faith, in action to build a Christian life with others as Our Father prayer and as well as our Assumptionist motto for the coming of God's Reign in us and around us. So that we can witness to our faith through lives of love, joy, generosity, service and a commitment to evangelisation.
The Priory is also a place for those who are looking to deepen their relationship with Christ, having the support from a discernment group and friendship with other young people who are also on the way to seek it.
programme 2024-2025
September 2024
October 17th 2024: RESONATE “ Give us this day our daily bread”
October 19th 2024 Westminster Abbey pilgrimage to the Shrine of St Edward the Confessor: Start with mass in Westminster Cathedral @ 12.30, walk to the Abbey, introduction to St Edward the Confessor, visit the Abbey and join for 3pm Evensong.
November 2nd 2024 5-9pm All Saints Movie night in Milleret House (film about St Francesca Cabrini TBC)
November 22nd – 24th 2024: Weekend in Tournai
December 7th 2024: Advent Retreat – Kensington 10am
December 19th 2024: RESONATE “ Forgive us our trespasses”
December 21st 2024: Christmas dinner.
January 17th 2025: Monthly Meeting
February 1st 2025: Luna New Year
February 21st 2025: Monthly Meeting
March 15th 2025: Flame Congress: in Wembley Arena, North London
March 28th 2025: 24 Hours for the Lord
April 5th 2025: Lent retreat - in Milleret House
May 5th 2025: Cycling to Cambridge
May 24th 2025: Rosary’s pilgrimage to the Jubilee churches in London - Cycling
June 20th 2025: Monthly Meeting
July 25th – 3rd August 2025: Jubilee of Youth Rome
Next coming events
Monthly Meeting
on Friday 21/2/2025
Monthly Meeting
on Friday 28/03/2025
Cycling to Cambridge
at 8 am on Monday 05/05/2025