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“Happy are those who live in your house, continually singing your praise!
Happy the pilgrims whom you strengthen, to make the ascent to you” (Psalm 84, 5-6)
Gospel reflections

Assumptionists in the UK
Oct 10, 20233 min read
27th Sunday in Ordinary time
27th Sunday in Ordinary time 08/10/2023 Mt 21, 33-43 Another vineyard story but with a very different purpose. In this story it is God...

Assumptionists in the UK
Jan 31, 20232 min read
4th Sunday
4th Sunday in Ordinary time 29/1/2023, Mt 5, 1-12 David E Crawford writes the following about the Beatitudes; In writing about the poor...

Assumptionists in the UK
Jan 23, 20233 min read
3rd Sunday
3rd Sunday in Ordinary time, Year A, 23/01/2023, Mt 4, 12-23 Words of wisdom: “There’s a fine line between a long, drawn-out sermon and a...

Assumptionists in the UK
Jan 23, 20233 min read
2nd Sunday
2nd Sunday in Ordinary time, Year A, 15 January 2023, Jn 1, 29-34 Once again, we are reminded of Jesus’ baptism, and John the Baptist...

Assumptionists in the UK
Nov 20, 20223 min read
Jesus, King of the Universe
34th Sunday in Ordinary time - Lk 23, 35-43 Power for the service. Dear brothers and sisters, a new teacher told his student, who laughed...

Assumptionists in the UK
Nov 20, 20223 min read
33rd Suday
33rd Sunday in Ordinary time - Lk 21, 5-19 It is hard to read the scripture passages this Sunday without thinking that we are coming to...

Assumptionists in the UK
Nov 20, 20222 min read
32nd Sunday
32nd Sunday in Ordinary time, 6/11/2022, Lk 20 , 27-38 Throughout life we go through a series of deaths and resurrections from child to...

Assumptionists in the UK
Nov 20, 20222 min read
31st Sunday
Homily 31st Sunday Year C 2022, Lk 19, 1-10 The name Zacchaeus comes from the Hebrew meaning “clean, pure, innocent” and it is possible...

Assumptionists in the UK
Oct 10, 20222 min read
28th Sunday
28th Sunday in Ordinary time, 09/10/2022, Lk 17, 11-19 An endearing feature of Jesus was his ability to find teaching elements in...

Assumptionists in the UK
Oct 4, 20223 min read
26th Sunday
26th Sunday in Ordinary time, 25/9/2022, Lk 16, 19-31 Building a Future together Pope Francis: We must encourage initiatives that foster...

Assumptionists in the UK
Oct 4, 20222 min read
25th Sunday
25th Sunday in Ordinary time, 18/9/2022 Lk 16, 1-13 Much has happened since the 8th September, the birthday of Our Blessed Lady, the day...

Assumptionists in the UK
Oct 4, 20222 min read
24th Sunday
24th Sunday in Ordinary time, 11/9/2022 Lk 15, 1-32 It is no coincidence that Queen Elizabeth II died on the birthday of another Queen...

Assumptionists in the UK
Oct 4, 20222 min read
22nd Sunday
22nd Sunday in Ordinary time 28/8/2022 Lk 14,1 ; 7-14 John O’Donohue writes: When you take the time to draw on your...

Assumptionists in the UK
Oct 4, 20222 min read
21st Sunday in Ordinary time
21st Sunday in Ordinary time 21/8/2022 Lk 13, 22-30 Being grateful for everything received and having the ability to reach out and use...

Assumptionists in the UK
Jul 5, 20222 min read
14th Sunday
14th Sunday in Ordinary time, 03/7/2022 Lk 10, 1-12, 17-20 Whether Jesus knew that his disciples would abandon him or not when he was...

Assumptionists in the UK
Jul 5, 20222 min read
13th Sunday
13th Sunday in Ordinary time 26/7/2022 Lk 9, 51-62 We do not often reflect on the honesty of Jesus maybe because it is never in question....

Assumptionists in the UK
Jul 5, 20222 min read
Corpus Christi
Despite all the studies and reflections about the Eucharist, the Pandemic brought home to me not only the immense value of the eucharist...

Assumptionists in the UK
Feb 27, 20222 min read
7th Sunday
7th Sunday in Ordinary time, Year C, Lk 6, 27-38 Thích Nhất Hạnh (d. 22/02/22), a renowned Vietnamese Buddhist known as the "father of...

Assumptionists in the UK
Feb 17, 20223 min read
6th Sunday 13/2/2022
Sunday 6th in Ordinary time, year C, Lk 6,17; 20-26 Dear brothers and sisters, the first reading and today’s Gospel are quite clear for...

Assumptionists in the UK
Feb 8, 20223 min read
5th Sunday 6/2/2022
5th Sunday in Ordinary time, Lk 5, 1-11 We all know that becoming Christian is to become Jesus' disciples and missionaries of the word of...
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