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“Happy are those who live in your house, continually singing your praise!
Happy the pilgrims whom you strengthen, to make the ascent to you” (Psalm 84, 5-6)
Gospel reflections

Assumptionists in the UK
May 9, 20222 min read
4th Sunday of Easter
4th Sunday of Easter 8/5/2022 Jn10, 27-30 Only a small reference about Jesus being the Good Shepherd but that is all we need. In Jesus’...

Assumptionists in the UK
May 9, 20222 min read
3th Sunday of Easter
3th Sunday of Easter 1/5/2022 Jn 21, 1-19 Yesterday I was privileged to bless a sundial in the Quaker Peace Garden which contains...

Assumptionists in the UK
Apr 18, 20223 min read
Be aware of what we see.
Easter Sunday 17/04/2022 Year C, Jn 20, 1-9 Happy Easter! Today’s the church proclaims throughout the world “Jesus Christ is risen,...

Assumptionists in the UK
Apr 18, 20223 min read
Palm's Sunday 2022
Sunday 10/4/2022 Year C, Lk 22, 14-23, 56 We are today on the Palm’s Sunday, the beginning of the Holy Week. As Jesus said “ the hour has...

Assumptionists in the UK
Apr 4, 20222 min read
5th Sunday of Lent
Fifth Sunday of Lent Year C, 03/04/2022 Jn 8, 1-11 Before becoming caught up with all the possible shenanigans going on in the Gospel,...

Assumptionists in the UK
Apr 4, 20222 min read
4th Sunday of Lent
Fourth Sunday of Lent 27/4/2022, Lk 15, 1-3, 11-32 We spend much of our lives looking for meaning and understanding that will help us...

Assumptionists in the UK
Mar 25, 20222 min read
3rd Sunday of Lent
Third Sunday of Lent, 20/03/2022, Year C, Lk 13, 1-9 On Ash Wednesday, when you received the ashes, the priest make a cross on your...

Assumptionists in the UK
Mar 14, 20222 min read
2nd Sunday of Lent
2rd Sunday of Lent 2022, Year C, Lk 9, 28-36 One of the greatest privileges of being a priest is hearing the stories of loved ones who...

Assumptionists in the UK
Mar 14, 20222 min read
First Sunday of Lent
First Sunday of Lent 2022 Year C, Lk 4, 1-13 Jesus had just been baptised and heard God, his Father, call him his beloved Son and...

Assumptionists in the UK
Feb 27, 20222 min read
8th Sunday
8th Sunday in Ordinary time, Year C, 27/2/2022 Lk 6, 39-45 The answer to what happens if one blind man leads another blind man seems...

Assumptionists in the UK
Feb 27, 20222 min read
7th Sunday
7th Sunday in Ordinary time, Year C, Lk 6, 27-38 Thích Nhất Hạnh (d. 22/02/22), a renowned Vietnamese Buddhist known as the "father of...

Assumptionists in the UK
Feb 17, 20223 min read
6th Sunday 13/2/2022
Sunday 6th in Ordinary time, year C, Lk 6,17; 20-26 Dear brothers and sisters, the first reading and today’s Gospel are quite clear for...

Assumptionists in the UK
Feb 8, 20223 min read
5th Sunday 6/2/2022
5th Sunday in Ordinary time, Lk 5, 1-11 We all know that becoming Christian is to become Jesus' disciples and missionaries of the word of...

Assumptionists in the UK
Feb 8, 20222 min read
4th Sunday 30/1/2022
4th Sunday in Ordinary time, Lk 4, 21-30 Aesop tells the story of a young Fox meeting a Lion for the first time. He was terribly...

Assumptionists in the UK
Jan 25, 20223 min read
Third Sunday
Third Sunday in Ordinary time, Year C, 23/01/2022 Lk 1,1-4; 4,14-21 “Your words are spirit, Lord and they are life”. We are on the third...

Assumptionists in the UK
Jan 24, 20222 min read
Second Sunday
Second Sunday in Ordinary time Year C 16/01/2022 Jn 2,1-11 Pope Francis’ message for Peace Sunday: "Great social challenges and peace...

Assumptionists in the UK
Dec 29, 20212 min read
St Thomas Becket (1118-1170)
Christmastime Year C, 29/12/2021, Mt 16,24-27 Thomas Becket was born in London and became a close friend of King Henry II. He was a...

Assumptionists in the UK
Dec 29, 20214 min read
The Feast of the Holy Family
Sunday 26/12/2021 year C, Lk 2,41-52 Dear Brothers and Sisters in Jesus Christ, The stage today is somewhat crowded. Not only is it...

Assumptionists in the UK
Dec 29, 20212 min read
Christmas Day
Christmas time 25/12/2021 Year C, Jn 1,1-18 The Christmas message is that God is not up there or out there or distant from us or removed...

Assumptionists in the UK
Dec 22, 20212 min read
4th Sunday of Advent
Advent Year C 19/12/2021 Lk 1,39-45 Facing the Omicron variant, we are threatened with being isolated from our loved ones again. This...
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