“Happy are those who live in your house, continually singing your praise!
Happy the pilgrims whom you strengthen, to make the ascent to you” (Psalm 84, 5-6)
About Us
You have made us for your self o Lord,
and our hearts are restless until they rest in you.
- Saint Augustin -

reflection's days
Assumption priory looks forward to welcoming you whether you wish to come for a day or to stay overnight for several days for the purpose of a retreat or reflection of your Christian way. You have the privilege of being in a religious community with daily prayer and spiritual accompany by an Assumptionist brother in a quiet community and a few minutes walking from Victoria Park - East of London. A wonderful chance to step out of the city but not to leave it.
assumption priory
Community Assumptionist prayer time.
Monday to Friday:
07:30 Morning Prayer and Mass.
Breakfast (Ad hoc to finish by 10 am)
13:00 Lunch ( Ad hoc)
19:15 Evening Prayer
19:30 Dinner
* Thursday: Adoration at 18h45,
20:30 Night Prayer
09:00 Morning Prayer
13:00 Lunch ( Ad hoc)
09:00 Morning Prayer
13:00 Lunch
Church Our Lady of Assumption.
Monday to Friday:
12:15 Mass
*Wednesday Adoration from 11:00 to 12:00
9:30 Mass
18:30 Mass
9:30 Mass.
11:30 Mass.
14:15 Chinese Mass.