3th Sunday of Easter 1/5/2022 Jn 21, 1-19
Yesterday I was privileged to bless a sundial in the Quaker Peace Garden which contains dedicated plaques and symbols expressing voices of peace from the different faiths. It contains a small pond shaped in the form of a dove - a reminder of the Holy Spirit as well as the dove of peace. God decided to bless the day with brilliant sunshine and the sundial clearly showed a time in agreement with GMT. The sundial bore a filigree of Celtic design which speaks of the unity between us and the graces, blessings, goodness and love of God that flows in and through each of us, back and forth. At the base of the small plinth were four trefoil leaves each of which, like the shamrock, speak of the trinity - three persons one God. Those who came gathered in a circle, a Celtic design showing that the graces of God flow between us continuously. To crown this holy event the brass of the sundial shone like gold in the sunlight. In iconography gold speaks of the presence of God. The whole experience was deeply sacred and truly blessed, not just for those present but for the whole town.
The Gospel today offers another experience that tells us about a great haul of fish, of a meal with Jesus in his resurrected but human form and a question asked of Peter three times. Then, Peter is given leadership of the community that evolved into the Church.
What might we learn from this word picture?
On their own the fishermen, including Peter, were unsuccessful but with Jesus’ presence and in response to his invite, they make a catch, probably their best ever. Doesn’t this inspire you to listen more carefully and respond with courage to what God asks of you?
On many occasions Jesus eats a meal with others providing an opportunity to listen and respond to those present and share his wisdom and insights. This is what is happening now at this eucharist although the wisdom and insights offered may have nothing to do with the homily??
The questions Jesus asked Peter he addresses to us at every eucharist: “Do you love me?” One way of responding positively to this question is in receiving communion or a blessing although this is not the only way.
The mission Jesus gave to Peter is not quite our mission. However, as members of the Church, we are called to herald the Good News by the example we give and the way we live our lives. In this way we show our belief in the love of Jesus for us and for every individual and find joy in making Jesus’ love real for others. The great thing about God’s gifts is that the more we give them away the stronger they become!!
by Fr Thomas O'BRIEN a.a