Palm Sunday Year A 2023
Jesus is testimony that being treated shamefully does not mean he was shamed. Rather, those who treated him shamefully were the ones who were shamed. Amidst all the external suffering experienced in the Passion, the inner strength of Jesus to fulfil the Father’s will and the immense love Jesus has for us, both humbles us and fills us with admiration for him. No wonder St Paul writes: “. . . all beings in the heavens, on earth and in the underworld, should bend the knee at the name of Jesus and that every tongue should acclaim Jesus Christ as Lord, to the glory of God the Father.”
The all-embracing love that Jesus evokes within us is such that we automatically fall to our knees in adoration and wonder in his presence. This we do on Good Friday before we begin our prayer.
There is something of this spirit among the people who welcome Jesus into Jerusalem before his death laying their cloaks and tree branches before him. It is good for us to celebrate this moment of exaltation at the beginning of Holy Week. Rather than think the people are fickle in turning against Jesus, own the fact that it is our sins, yes - our sins - that brought him to the Cross. Only in our shame and culpability can we ever experience the true Joy of the resurrection knowing that our sins have been forgiven and pulled up by their roots. That nothing of them remains!
Help me believe the truth about myself no matter how beautiful it is. Let me be the peace for which I pray. Teach me to energize others, to stir up their enthusiasm without overwhelming them. Make my power to love stronger than my love of power. Robe me with wisdom. May I never fear a death that brings me life. Transform me into a song of gratitude, an evening star for those who are lost. Transform me into a protective mantle for all who need rest.
by Fr Thomas O'Brien a.a