Sunday of the Holy Trinity 12/6/2022 Jn 16, 12-15
The Trinity and the model of our Christian life.
We are here to celebrate to the very foundation of our Christian faith- the Trinity and the model of our Christian life: the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit
The Trinity is one. The divine persons are distinct from each other and the divine persons are relative to each other. All of this is easy and extremely difficult to understand because, God, no one has ever seen him. Without the Spirit of Truth, which Jesus has promised us, It remains a mystery. But remember that God is love; One, and unity. As Jesus prayed to the Father for his disciples “That they may all be one, as you, Father, are in me, and I in you” Jn 17,21
“Our being created in the image and likeness of God-communion calls us to understand ourselves as beings-in-relation, and to live interpersonal relationships in solidarity and reciprocal love”.– Pope Francis
In the second reading, Paul tells us that: “The love of God is poured into our hearts by the Holy Spirit.” Christ is the fullness of God’s love. Today’s gospel makes this unity clear. Each and every one of them bears witness to the same word and truth. Each affirms and confirms the work of the other. They do not contradict one another.
I tell you the story of the "three hermits". A bishop heard of the three monks on an island. He comes and asks them how they seek the salvation and serve God, but the monks say they don't know how, they only pray simply: “There are three of you, there are three of us, have mercy on us.” . The bishop now knows that the monks do not know the true meaning of the doctrine and how to pray correctly. He tries to teach them the “Our Father”. And when he is in the boat on the way back, the bishop notices that the three monks are running after him on the surface of the water and tell him "We have forgotten your teaching, servant of God". Seeing this, the bishop answers: " Your own prayer will reach the Lord, men of God. It's not for me to teach you. Pray for us sinners”.
The life of these three monks is love, unity, and prayer. The Trinity Sunday reminds us that collaboration, communion, submission, obedience and cooperation are also for our familial and societal life. We can see in the story that only love and unity can make us share in the life of the Trinity. And Only faith can open us to the knowledge of God and justified us as Saint Paul said. The question for us is how our family, our community, our parish are witnesses of this presence, this unity.
We are called to listen to his word and put his commandments into practice, to become witnesses of this presence, of this unity, actor of this closeness, instrument of this love. Are we witness of this unity in our community, in our family, in our church or in our workplace. It's always easy to say but hard to do. The division is within ourselves. The temptation of being divided rather than united is always there. Jesus said "where two or three are gathered in my name, I am among" (cf Matthew 18:20). This can only be possible when we are united in our hearts and actions as God is One.