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Monday 10/05/2021

Writer's picture: Assumptionists in the UKAssumptionists in the UK

Updated: May 11, 2021

Eastertide Week 6 - Acts 16,11-15 ; Jn 15,26-16,4

Let it never be said that Jesus did not warn his disciples about the difficulties they would face in being his disciples and preachers of the Gospel. The majority of them were put to death. What is encouraging today is to hear that not everyone was against them. Lydia, in Macedonia, a rich woman, welcomed Paul and his companions into her home and supported them in every way she could. We are also aware that the disciples established successful communities in very many places. Paul was beaten, stoned, left for dead, imprisoned and ejected from many communities but was never deterred. Let us remember this when we believe life is hard and the way ahead uncertain and threatening.

Like the Apostles and disciples, we too have been given the Holy Spirit who dwells within us in love and the presence of that love changes the way we see and experience everything if we acknowledge it. The fire of the Spirit lights up the hope in our lives so that we are sign of hope to all those we encounter.

In This Time Of Looming Dark, Look To The True Light (Robert J. Lindley,)

World is dark and racing fast into hell

grab a coin, toss it in a wishing well

have some faith that our Father sees and hears

sad voices crying out in deeper fear

and will always with Love do what is right

be it light of day or darkest of night.

Hold fast, precious Life is so very sweet.

Eternal mercy comes from Heaven's seat.

World now seems to spin so out of control

now fear seeks room within our weeping souls

future is uncertain and outlook grim

yet one must have faith in Light and in Him

for purest Love that gives and never fails

even if calm has now gone off the rails.

Hold fast, precious Life is so very sweet.

Eternal mercy comes from Heaven's seat.

World has in the past looming dark beheld

mankind has too oft catastrophe spelled

yet survived to go on to live and strive

so thank God we are here and still alive

living, breathing and asking all the more

for divine hands to save us, we implore.

Hold fast, precious Life is so very sweet.

Eternal mercy comes from Heaven's seat.

by Fr Thomas O'BRIEN a.a


of the assumption
province of Europe
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