Ordinary time week 8, Mt 7, 21-29
St Bede the Venerable (673 - 735) was born in northern England, near the monastery of Wearmouth. He joined that monastery, and spent all his life there or at Jarrow, teaching and writing. He was the outstanding ecclesiastical author of his time. He wrote commentaries on Scripture; an ecclesiastical history of the English people, which is a unique and irreplaceable resource for much of early English history; and the first martyrology (collection of saints’ lives) to be compiled on historical principles. He was also the first known writer of English prose, though this has not survived. He died at Jarrow on 25th May 735 teaching and working to the end of his life. He is venerated as the “light of the Church” in the Dark Ages, and a forerunner of the 8th and 9th century renaissance of the Western Church.
The extract from Ecclesiasticus could easily have been written with Bede in mind. He was a prayerful man full of wisdom and understanding whose writings continue to inspire generation after generation. His writings brought spirit and life to those who read or heard them because inspired by the Lord. He helped people discover the rich blessings and insights in scripture as salt enhances the flavour of food. He was a light in the dark ages and continues to be a shining light helping us discover the presence of Jesus in the world and in our lives.
In respect of creation:
Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, the work of creation expresses the perfect harmony within the Trinity. Father, you made the world through your Son (Col. 1:16). Lord Jesus, all things were made by you, and without you, nothing was made that has been made (John 1:3). The Spirit of God hovered over creation and breathed life into all living things. Praise to the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, the Triune Creator. Thank you for revealing yourself through your creation. Almighty God, we see the glory of your eternal power, wisdom, and goodness in creation. Who could make the waves crash against the rocks, and elsewhere have it gently lap across the sand? Your hand alone can do this. You amaze us. Thank you for creating beauty in tiny details as found in the delicate colour, shape, and fragrance of a flower. Thank you for creating beauty on a grand scale in mountains, canyons, expansive sea, sky, and stars. You leave us in awe.
by Fr Thomas O'BRIEN a.a