Ordinary time B, week 17, Mt 13, 44-46
Moses face shining with the presence of God shows how much God was present in his life and the time he spent in prayer. We continually search for the presence of God, not because we think God hides from us, but because an awareness of God takes us to a different level. We see ourselves, the world in which we live, the people around us, in a new way. Everything seems more alive, has more energy. God’s presence reassures and calms. It is comforting to know that, with Julian of Norwich, we can say “God is nearer to us than our own soul." and "Jesus answered with these words: 'All shall be well, and all shall be well, and all manner of thing shall be well. ' Words said so tenderly and without blame of any kind toward me or anybody else". Elsewhere she writes, “For our reassurance and support God is mindful of noble and great deeds but also of small and minor deeds, mindful of what is lowly and simple, of every detail. And God says to us: All manner of things shall be well and absolutely nothing will be overlooked.” This truth is affirmed in those people we meet whose presence is reassuring, affirming and uplifting; people who possess an aura of goodness, of compassion and of love that you can almost feel. They have a warmth that speaks volumes of the presence of God. These are the people who make up the kingdom of God here on earth; these are the people whose lives we wish to share and who welcome us into their lives. With these people, we discover how Jesus is the true treasure of the kingdom and that we are only truly alive in his presence.
God, of your goodness, give me yourself;
you are enough for me,
and, anything less that I could ask for
would not do you full honour.
And if I ask anything that is less,
I shall always lack something,
but in you alone I have everything'.”
by Fr Thomas O'BRIEN a.a